Sunday, April 8, 2012

Finally Married

Me and Bingley feel like we were meant for each other. I feel that I was meant to be on his side, and he was meant to make me smile everyday. He is the greatest man that I have ever met, and I am really lucky that he has chosen me to be his wife for the rest of his life. I know that we will have a great future with each other because I love him and he loves me. I would also like to congratulate my sister marrying Darcy, for I know that they will have a great life with each other.


I cannot believe that Bingley proposed to me! He is the sweetest and most gentle man that I have ever known! I know that my father will be greatful that we are going to get married because he is a generous man, and he treats my family very well. Also, my sister Lizzy is going to marry Darcy; this was very shocking for all of us, for we did not know that Lizzy had feelings towards him. I knew something was going on between them; I cannot wait until we both become wives!

Conversation with Bingley

I knew my mother was planning something out when she invited Bingley for dinner. Once Bingley and I had the chance to be alone, we started to talk about our lives and how we were doing. It gives me great joy that he is doing so well. He always has his words on complimenting me and making me feel like a beautiful woman. What a great gentleman Bingley is.

Bingley and Darcy at dinner

When I first saw Bingley walking on our doorstep, I have to admit that my heart dropped for a while. It has been a while that I have seen him; ever since he had left me. Even though I felt a bit uncomfortable at the beginning of dinner, I still showed respect towards him and talked to him as if we were just friends. It was very pleasant having him and Darcy over for dinner. Oh, how my mother embarrassed me a but when she invited them for dinner again.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Lydia's Visit

I have to say that I was a bit worried when Lizzy and I went to pick up Lydia and Wickham. I did not know how my father would react if he were to see Lydia one more time. Once Lydia arrived, it has been noisy all of the time. She has offended me several times, but that is Lydia just being herself. I am starting to get stressed out a little bit; I just hope that these days can pass by fast so that we can all just live with our lives once again and be happy.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lydia Is Getting Married

Now that Lydia is going to get married, my mom has not stopped talking about her and Wickham. During our dinner, my mother was deciding the place that they should stay at. I did not know that my father was not willing to see Lydia again. He should be a little bit less harsh on Lydia; she is young and is feeling true love for the first time. I was very shocked when he stated that he did not want them living in Longbourn.


My mother reacted with such great joy from hearing what the letter read. I am so glad to see her with happiness after seeing how depressed she was becoming. It was very considerate for my uncle to drop charges on Wickham. Everybody deserves second chances don't they? Oh how I love seeing my mother filled with joy, for I had to calm her down.