Saturday, March 31, 2012

Great News

My father finally came home from his search of Lydia, and I am glad that he came home safe. I do not think that he should feel guilt of this whole situation, for I believe it was the right choice of letting Lydia go to Brighton. After my father's return, I was excited that we have received news from my uncle. I am so glad to hear that Lydia is going to get married with Wickham! This is great news because now we can all forget about what Mr. Wickham has done and let him have a fresh start.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I am glad that Lizzy arrived home safely. I have been waiting for ever since we received the news of Lydia. When we finally had time to ourselves, I showed her the letter that Lydia wrote about her leaving. I informed Lizzy about my opinion of Wickham; he may have changed into a real gentleman when he started seeing Lydia. A negative comment from a person does not mean that Wickham is such a horrible person.

Family Issues

I am waiting for my sister Lizzy to come back as soon as possible. We need her to fill in the emptiness of the house; my father left to search for Lydia, and my mother will not come out of her room. Wickham does not seem like he is willing to harm my little sister, but knowing Lizzy, I know that she is thinking ill of Wickham. I hope everything goes back to normal in this house after we have heard news from Lydia. I know that she is following her heart and leading herself to happiness.


It was early morning when my family and I had received the dreadful news about my sister Lydia leaving us. I did not believe the fact that she left off with Wickham; this man was negatively described by Lizzy when she arrived from the Collins. It is said that Lydia and Wickham were to travel to Scotland. My family did not know what kind of a man Wickham truly is. I believe that we should just forget about the past and see how it all turns out; Wickham may turn out to be a nice man.


After my sister, my aunt and my uncle left, I stayed home to look after my cousins. They are the most adorable children I have ever seen, and they seem to have a great affection towards me. Just the other day, one of the girls asked me to do her hair because she loved how I did mine. I was very touched by her comment and made her look cute; she loved the way I made her hair look and thank me by giving me a great big hug. We are off to a great start in spending time with each other.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Two Faced Man

I cannot believe what Lizzy told me today! Mr. Wickham is not the gentleman that I first met, for this is such big news for me. Now I understand why my sister was so anxious to tell me something. Also, Mr. Darcy proposed to her; Mr. Darcy has true feelings for Lizzy, and Lizzy refused to marry him? Poor Mr. Darcy is probably suffering right now; it is not his fault that my sister did not know the truth about all of these lies of Mr. Wickham.

Going Out

So far it has been a great day by spending it with my lovely sisters. Oh how I missed their humor and all the non-sense they talk about. I was really shocked when my sister Lydia informed us about Mr. Wickham not being with Mary King. Mr. Wickham and Mary may have had a hard time dealing with each other which is pretty sad. I wonder if Lizzy meant all of those horrible comments about Wickham; he does not seem a bad gentleman if you ask me.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Great Joy

I finally got to see my sister after such a long time. Her appearance is still wonderful as the last time I have seen her; she is very beautiful in so many ways. When I was talking to her, she had this look in her face that she wanted to inform me of something. I hope she tells me soon so that I can know what type of information she has to tell me. I wonder if it is something that has to do with her and her trip she made to the Collins' house.


It is almost time for me to go back home. I have not seen my family in such a long time. I wonder if they hope that I have changed my feelings for Bingley. I do not really know what is going on with them right now. Well, I better start planning in what to wear when my lovely sister arrives.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

What Is Going On?

I do not know what to feel anymore about this situation. I am starting to think about my true feelings towards Bingley; I keep thinking if it was ever meant to be. Was I really in love or was this just a phase that I was going through? Did Bingley even have true feelings for me or was he just using me? I am not sure of my feelings of Bingley are.

Rainy Day

It was a rainy day today, and I tried not to remember that day I went to the Bingleys. Even though I became very ill, I have to admit that I was glad that I had the honor to stay at the Bingleys' house. I would enjoy every minute Bingley would spend with me. He seemed to put me in a great mood when I felt like I had head aches. Oh how I miss those days, and all because my mother had sent me to their house on a rainy day.


I keep sending letters to my sister Lizzy and I hope she understands what I am going through. I tried not to show that I was still in pain. Even though I wish that she knows what I am going through, I do not want to make her feel worried. I feel like I have nothing inside of me; as if I could not show or express what is going on in my heart. I want my sister to know that I am trying to be my normal self again.


I do not know what to do; I keep thinking to myself what I am going to do for my future. Not having Mr. Bingley in my life is like not having a purpose to live. Every morning I wake up with him on my mind and just wonder why I can not be with him. Why would he leave me when we I know that we both had the same feelings towards each other? I just do not understand what went wrong.